All your questions about Axion answered
Our culture and ability to think from perspective of all interested parties, help us in offering win-win proposals and solutions. With such approach and methodology; success is assured after association with GrowthSense.
No. Currently we do not charges any registration fee. You may send brief one page or short pitch deck for initial screening.
We help startups on their growth journey from the beginning and continue as it grows. Some of these includes Validation of idea, Critical analysis of business hypothesis, Validation of commercial aspects of business plan, Getting the business ready for investors, Due diligence from investor’s point of view, Arrangement of funds from investors and strategic partners, and mentoring and coaching to achieve set goals
We facilitate funding for startups only if we are convinced with the plans, execution capabilities and potential to grow after our own critical analysis and due diligence. If you have already bench-marked all these parameters from some external dependable source, you are welcome.
We present curated opportunities which are identified by us as future unicorns. We are committed to transparency, integrity and confidence of investing own money. Once you express your interest as investor; we understand your objective, risk profile and interest areas, and then suggest appropriate opportunities.
On the growth journey of Startup and also during due diligence phase; subject matter experts play a key role. We respect mutually beneficial association with experts. You are welcome to discuss and identify opportunities for contribution.
Some of the possible alternate opportunities are Asset Leasing, Invoice Financing, Legal Financing, Fractional Real Estate, etc. Please get in touch with us to know more about how and where to begin.
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